I had the whole weekend off this weekend. That literally hasn’t happened since October. I had acupuncture on Saturday morning, like always, and then I had the whole day to do whatever the hell I wanted. It was a very odd feeling. And a really GOOD feeling!
I got coffee! And an eyebrow wax! And walked home! And then deep cleaned the house! I took a NAP! It was all so glorious.
I didn’t get to sleep in on Sunday morning, though, because I had another ultrasound. The window to go for them on the weekends is later, like by an hour, but it still meant I had to set the alarm for 7 AM this morning.
I wore my new socks to this morning’s ultrasound. I need to constantly remind myself how much of a badass I am and that I have GOT THIS.
Saturday night I started to get a lot of cervical mucus. And I freaked out. Because that’s what you get when you are close to ovulating. And I cannot be close to ovulating. I need time to let the follicles grow. This is our year! FOLLICLES 2020!!
Turns out it is completely normal and from all the estrogen I’m pumping into my system. Seriously, thank God for the internet. It is so helpful sometimes.
But the ultrasound went well. I have a lead follicle measuring at 18 mm. And then there are four others between 11-14 mm. They are responding well! I’m very excited!
My estrogen doubled from Friday, so I started a new shot this afternoon, once I got word from the doctor’s office. I’ll have to start this one in the mornings until they tell me otherwise. Basically, it’s to put the brakes on the body from ovulating. It suppresses ovulation so that even though that’s what should be happening, it gives those follicles more time to grow.
I’ll probably lose that lead follicle. It’s pretty big and I think, from what the internet tells me, once it gets to like 20 mm, it’s too mature. So I’m OK sacrificing that one if it means that I have several more that will all mature at the same rate and we can retrieve a bunch when retrieval day comes. And by a bunch, I’m hoping for like eight. Because I’m 42 with diminished ovarian reserve, so I’m still realistic.
I go back on Tuesday morning to see where we are at. And by we, I mean me and my follicles. We’re a team now, in this together. I’m assuming after Tuesday, I’ll go in daily for ultrasounds so they can see what is going on and make sure everything is timed right. As of right now, retrieval could be any day between Thursday and next Monday.
Are you even allowed to do IVF if you don’t reference SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS! at some point? I submit you are not.
HOORAY for those follicles! Go on lil guys! Grow nice and big and consistenly in size like I know you can! #Follicles2020