Look at me, posting on a Friday night! Boy how things have changed from my old blog, where at 10 PM on a Friday night, I’d already be pretty drunk, making bad decisions on my way to making out with some random stranger at a 4 AM bar, most likely.
Man I do NOT miss that.
Now it’s 10 PM on a Friday and I’m in my PJs, just shot myself full of hormones and am going to bed as soon as I hit publish because it’s been a long ass week.
So far everything is going well. I had another ultrasound this morning and things are progressing. My largest follicle is 12 mm and there are “several” others that are measuring less than 10 mm. Apparently that and my blood work means things are progressing, but not too far. Which is all great things!
I was late to this morning’s ultrasound. I couldn’t figure out why there is so much traffic. I used to make it in 20 minutes when I was doing these early morning ultrasounds for my IUIs. And then I realized, that was the summer. Traffic is so much lighter in the summer. So now I know I have to get up earlier to get there earlier for these ultrasounds.
Because I was late, and because I’m trying to make sure I’m hydrated, I had to pee when I got there. But I didn’t want to go and risk not hearing my name called, so I just held it. Then I got back to the ultrasound room and the tech was like “whoa, that’s a full bladder!” And I was thinking “yeah, no shit sherlock!” And apparently full bladders aren’t good for these ultrasounds, so she told me to always have an empty bladder going forward. But the thing is, I used to just use the bathroom before I went into the ultrasound room. But they stopped allowing this. There are big signs “USE RESTROOM BEFORE BEING CALLED BACK”. But no one tells you what happens if you do that and miss your name being called. I’m sure other people don’t worry about that, but I do. So I sit there, with a full bladder, and hope for the best.
Thankfully this tech told me that if they call your name and you’re not there, they just move you down the list a few name and they will call you again. THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN HELPFUL INFORMATION BEFORE! But now I know. And apparently it wasn’t too full because she got pictures of what she needed.
I go back again Sunday morning to see the progress. So much for being able to finally sleep in this weekend because I’m taking a break from Instacart. But at least I can take all the naps!
The shots are going fine. I’m still convinced I’m doing them all wrong and I’m not getting the medicine in the right place (which is completely irrational). After the first night of shots, I had the WORST headache all day on Wednesday. It was awful and Tylenol was doing nothing to help (shocker!). I had read in my FB groups that headaches were a side effect of the medications. And I came very close to having a breakdown because I didn’t think I could handle over 10 days of that headache. I didn’t know if I could work and just get through it. I ended up icing my forehead and the back of my neck before I went to bed and I woke up feeling 100 times better. And since then, no headaches. (Also another reason I’m forcing myself to stay super hydrated.)
My friend told me the same thing happened to her after the first day of meds and then the headache went away and I felt a lot better knowing it was normal and it wasn’t a prolonged side effect.
I’m still battling a cold. And I can’t take anything for it so I’m just mildly miserable at all times. My head is stuffy and for some reason my left eye is tearing up constantly. I don’t know if it is because that is where most of the nasal congestion is or what, but it is irritating. Mostly because I’m constantly wiping my eye and now the skin around my eye is super raw and hurts.
But all is good on the IVF front, and I’m just plugging (or shooting) away. I’ll keep you posted on the next ultrasound! #Follicles2020