Quick Hits

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I’m battling my third cold since Christmas right now. I blame it all on the grocery store and working Instacart. Because spending eight hours a day at a grocery store in the height of flu season in the winter in Chicago is GERM CENTRAL. People are gross. And as much as I wipe down my cart and wash my hands and bathe in hand sanitizer, I can’t keep myself illness free.

I had planned on a vacation day on Monday because I spend my whole weekend out of the house and I needed to get some things done, like cleaning and cooking and napping. But I got home from Instacarting on Sunday and I literally passed out and took a three-hour nap and had the chills. So I spent all day Monday in bed sleeping. I was only awake for like 3 hours at a time. I stayed home on Tuesday too because when I got up in the morning and showered, I was exhausted from doing too much. Anyway, it’s been a long, exhausting week.

But I am glad this is all happening now. Because this time next week, I should be in the thick of it with my IVF meds and giving myself shots every day.

My period is due Monday. I’ve been spotting a little the last few days, so it is definitely around the corner and I think it will come before Sunday. But once I start, that means I let the doctor know and the whole process starts!

I’m kind of nervous. I’ve never done this before, obviously, so I don’t know all what to expect. So I think that’s why I’m nervous. But it is definitely an excited nervous! I really can’t wait!

I bought these milestone cards off Etsy to chronicle this journey, and I’m excited to share this with all of you!


2 thoughts on “Quick Hits

  1. Alice

    Imagine me here doing dorky supportive dances right now, all cheerleadery – you got this! you got this! aw yeah! you got this! 😀 😀

  2. Shannon

    I’m dancing too!! You can do it! I’m unsure if you can take these or know how clean they are etc, but I have been taking Hello Bello Immunity support gummies since the fall and I haven’t gotten my usual bad cold (I work in healthcare so I get at least 2 per season) yet. Worth a shot since you are around so many germs. I also hope you can stop working so much soon… You are overworking yourself!! Xoxo


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