Oh, Hello There

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Well that was an unexpected break, huh?


Obviously I never posted here after I found out I wasn’t pregnant. Don’t worry, I’m not secretly 7 months pregnant and didn’t tell you. As I told a few friends the other day, when I get pregnant, I’m going to be that obnoxious pregnant person spamming you with so! many! photos!

Can you believe it’s almost been a year for this whole pandemic and stay at home bullshit? My last day in the office was March 13, so this week is almost a year to the day that I’ve been working from home. 

In that time, I’ve worn real pants probably 10 times, I’ve put makeup on only three times, and I’ve gotten really good at being by myself.

Although, let’s be honest, I’ve always been a homebody. This whole forcing me to hang out by myself in my pajamas at home for weeks and months on end hasn’t been that difficult for me. I do miss people, though. And I’ve expanded my bubble so I do get to see two people every now and then. 

I also bought a car in August. It’s a used car, but new to me. I’m pretty sure THAT has been my saving grace as to why I’ve been able to manage. The stress and anxiety I had of taking ubers when I had doctor’s appointments, etc. (plus the cost!) was a lot. And the fact that when I’m tired of being cooped up inside I can just go for a drive is very good for my mental health.

I haven’t had a car since 2017. I sold my almost-20 year old Sentra for like $160. It was falling apart and the work it needed was going to be more than the car was worth, so I sold it. I figured I could manage for a few years with just public transit and ride sharing. And when needed, I could rent a car.

The Lying Liar™ actually got a car from his dad at one point in our relationship, and that was super helpful. Although he was such a control freak, he never really let me drive it. So it was like not having a car at all. And let me tell you, having my own car that I can use any time I want, and go whatever speed I want, and listen to whatever music I want is REALLY freeing! 


(I’m thankful every single day that I was not still with the Lying Liar™ once the pandemic started. I don’t know how I would have managed with him, stuck at home.)

Anyway, with a new (to me) car I now have a car payment, which I haven’t had since 2004. Plus all the debt from being with the Lying Liar™. So part of the reason I bought a car was to be able to use it to make some extra income. I was going to be an Uber driver, but I’m not really comfortable with people in my car. Also I watch too much true crime and I’m not convinced I wouldn’t get murdered by a passenger, so that’s off the table.

So instead I signed up to be a food delivery driver with Door Dash and GrubHub. I’ve been doing it since just about the time I got the car last summer and it is helping. I’m starting to make a dent in my debt, I’m able to save more money for future fertility treatments and I make way more money in just a few hours of work than I ever did as an Instacart shopper

So that’s what I’ve been doing with my time. I’m literally working 7 days a week and am always tired and wanting a nap. I usually only do delivery Thursdays through Sundays, and this winter was a little touch and go when we got A LOT of snow in the matter of like 10 days, which made delivering (for me) impossible. (My car is another Sentra and I don’t feel comfortable driving in bad weather, plus trying to find parking for a Sentra when there is 2 feet of snow piled up on narrow side streets is not fun.) But I’ve made decent money and I am hoping that people still want to get takeout even as things start to open up.

I’m still on my fertility journey and planning on getting pregnant, which I’ll update in the next post. And I needed to take these steps and this time to get myself in a better financial position to be able to move forward. 

So what’s new with you? 

1 thought on “Oh, Hello There

  1. Shannon

    I have also loved this time at home. I am not a people person really so it has been really nice to be like sorry – germs – bye! I am glad that Door Dash and GrubHub are working for you and it is helping you reach your goals. You are also in an area that I am sure takeout will prevail so that is nice!


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