Housekeeping, You Want Me Fluff Your Pillow?

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I really intend to post more than I have. But I run out of time and sleep and catching up on all the Real Housewives franchises always wins out. It turns out that working 7 days a week really tires you out! I’m not 32 anymore and oof, I’m pooped.

I just keep telling myself that it is just preparing me for being a mom because I’m going to have that full-time job in addition to my other full-time job. And I am READY FOR IT!!! I cannot wait!

But anyway, I wanted to give you a few little updates on things.

First, I didn’t win the grant.

I appreciate all of you putting your Care Bear stares out into the universe, but it wasn’t meant to be. All the recipients were couples and I wonder if being a Single Mom By Choice (SMBC) had anything to do with it. I don’t know any of the past winners, but my guess would be that might have had something to do with it. (A lot of the grants I looked up said “couples” so who knows?)

BUT! It’s not all bad news!

Last week I was filling out our online health assessment at work through our insurance provider and decided to just check out the coverage for shits and giggles. I noticed that acupuncture was covered! And I go to acupuncture! So I did a chat with the insurance rep and got the details on that. We will see if they end up covering mine.

But because there was one change, I was like “maybe they cover some of infertility now!” I knew it was wishful thinking, but it never hurts to ask. Last year I double checked with the insurance company myself and they told me “nope! No coverage for you!”


So color me shocked when the rep I was chatting with was like “why yes! Yes you do have coverage for infertility!” After I woke up from passing out, I was like “say what now?” And she was like “what specifically were you inquiring about?” So I told her IVF and she said that some of it is covered.

I was OVER. THE. MOON! I texted two of my friends at work and then did a happy dance in my cube! But also knowing my company, I decided I should probably verify with them, right? So I did and they brought me back to reality. Nope. Still no coverage for infertility or IVF. Life is a cruel, cruel bitch.

My hopes were dashed. But something in the back of my mind was like “wouldn’t the insurance company know best?” I mean she knew about my acupuncture. She knew what I had paid already toward my deductible. She was IN my account and my plan.

So on Monday I decided to call the doctor and have them re-run my insurance just to see. It can’t hurt right?

They waited until Wednesday afternoon to get back to me. But the news was GLORIOUS! I HAVE COVERAGE FOR INFERTILITY AND IVF!

I couldn’t believe it. I refrained from sending a “neener neener” email to the Benefits person who is WRONG. But figured I’d wait until I was pregnant and do a very Pretty Woman-esque “big mistake, big mistake, HUGE” performance while shaking my pee stick at her.


It doesn’t cover everything. But instead of tens of thousands of dollars that I need, I’m looking at several thousand dollars. I’m so glad I didn’t pull the trigger last week on that really large loan that was going to be a hard pill to swallow every month when that payment came through!

So it’s happening! Friday I ordered $4,000 worth of IVF medicine from Israel that will hopefully be here in a few weeks. That price tag is HALF of what it would cost if I bought it domestically. I am very glad I have time on my side (FOR ONCE) and can afford to be patient when it comes to the meds and having them shipped.

I’m a go for starting with my February cycle, which will start about 4 weeks from now.


Finally, which feels kind of douchey now to share after that big news, but with a huge price tag for IVF meds and there is still testing I will have to pay out of pocket for, plus the over $8k I have left over from all the tests and blood work I had done when I DIDN’T have insurance coverage, anyway…

After my #BumpSquad post, some of you talked about shirts. My friend Kelley, who is probably the most generous person I know, offered to make the shirts and put up the money and handle everything and give me a part of the proceeds. Which is A LOT. For anyone. But I also know that it is the loveliest offer.

In the mean time, someone else mentioned a site called Bonfire, which basically does all that. You can list the shirts and a portion of each sale goes to the person designated in the fundraiser. And they handle all the shipping and everything.

So I made a shirt!

And if you are so inclined, here is the link if you want a Bump Squad shirt of your own. NO PRESSURE. Knowing you all are in my corner supporting me is all I need!

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