Everything’s Coming Up Milhouse

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I hope you all liked my posts with the clean beauty and cleaning products. I’m going to put them all in a page and update as needed. I already forgot a few things, so I’ll be sure to add them. If I have an amazing new product that I try, I’ll be sure to tell you all about it!

Today I have just a few quick hits for you as we head into the weekend.

First, my meds came! They took less than a week to make it here from Israel. I was super impressed. And the packaging is much cuter because it’s also in several different languages.

All I have to do now go pick up some needles from the pharmacy because they don’t ship needles overseas, due to customs issues, which makes sense.

I also need to send my donor’s sperm to my doctor. They can’t start without that, so I need to remember to call tomorrow so they can ship it.

Second, I got a promotion and a raise at work! It was long overdue and I’m so excited! I asked for this almost a year ago and they finally did it! I’m super excited and I’m hoping this means less Instacart shifts in my future.


Other than that, everything is all set to start with my next cycle, which is in a little over 2 weeks. I’m starting to freak out, just a bit, because of all the needles and shots and the UNKNOWN. But I’m also so excited to get this process started and get myself knocked up!

And now I’m heading to bed with my shea butter on my skin and socks on my hands! Have a good weekend, friends!

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