24 Weeks

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I know I’m saying this every week, but these websites with their fruit comparisons are such bullshit.

Last week was a grapefruit, which made complete sense. That seemed about the size and weight they were telling me.

This week is supposed to be a pomegranate. At first I thought “hmmm, maybe I’m thinking pomegranates are bigger than they really are.” 


What to Expect is stupid and apparently doesn’t know what size fruits are before making comparisons.

So instead, we’re going with what I found on other sites, an ear of corn. That makes more sense.

I know it is all arbitrary at this point until she really starts growing, but at least make it something similar in size to the previous week. 

Yes, I am irrationally irritated about this. Ha!

In other news, this week I met with my OB for the first time. It was fine. They apparently didn’t look at my chart and kept telling me I had to take the glucose test (which is typical at 24 weeks). I’m like “no, been there, failed that.” I had to let them know that I was previously across the hall with the midwives and had to move over because I’m on insulin. And then she was like “oh, I’m so sorry.” So then I liked her.

Other than that, the appointment was uneventful. Everything seems to be measuring OK and 3BB’s heartbeat was nice and strong. Because of the diabeetus, I will get some extra ultrasounds and she will have me start coming in weekly starting at 32 weeks to do growth scans and non-stress tests. I was already anticipating that, so no brand new information for me.

She did say she will induce at 39 weeks, if I don’t go any sooner, because of my age and the diabeetus. She told me that they should have the schedule for early February soon, so I can see who is on call and when to schedule around a doctor I’ve seen and liked, so that made me feel better. I’m still going to do everything possible to go into labor naturally so I don’t have to be induced, but that made me feel more at ease.

I also saw the diabeetus nurse that same day. She was very happy with my weight gain, or really lack thereof. I lost about a pound from my 20-week appointment. So I’m under five pounds total weight gain for the pregnancy. I guess there is one good thing about diabeetus.

She said everything looked good with my numbers, so we are just keeping things as they are. She did say I’m entering the most insulin-resistant phase of the pregnancy, so not to be alarmed if things are getting harder to control. Once that happens, she will add in some mealtime insulin, in addition to the night time insulin. But other than that, I’m just plugging away and just really getting tired of cheese. Something I never thought I’d say.

I called my boss yesterday and told her that I’m pregnant. I NEVER call her and she knows how much I hate the phone. In fact, when the whole pandemic started and we were all working from home, she was like “you’ll have to answer when I call”. So when I called her she was like “I knew it had to be big!” She was super excited for me. I figured she would be. She knows a little of my journey in all this, so she knows how long I’ve been trying. So it was nice to stop keeping that secret.

My friend Cindy got me this cute frame from my registry and I finally put in the first and second trimester photos. I can’t believe we’re getting close to meeting 3BB! I’m so excited to meet her! And I can’t wait to see what she looks like!


1 thought on “24 Weeks

  1. Alice

    The fruit thing is pissing me off too. Come on people! It’s not hard to go in order of size! What the heck!

    So close to 3rd tri…. THINGS ARE GETTING REAL!!! 😀


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