8 Weeks

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This week’s post is a little late because this week I finally understood what pregnancy fatigue is. And I have been sleeping and just doing a whole lot of nothing. It’s a wonder I even made it through the week this week.

I’m, by nature, a tired person. Ask my mom, she’ll tell you since I was a kid, I was always tired and always wanted to sleep. I love sleep more than most things in life. And I sleep like it is my job. I can regularly sleep 10-12 hours a night, if allowed, and 2 hour naps are the norm for me. So honestly, I wasn’t expecting much of a change once I got pregnant.

And for the first few weeks, it wasn’t much different. I mean I used it as an excuse to nap more, but I didn’t feel that full-body exhaustion like I have this week. This feels like when you get sick or the flu exhaustion. It’s hard to stay awake for even a few hours at a time.

I am again very thankful that I’m working from home this first trimester. I don’t know how people do it having to go into the office. I guess you just deal. Just like you do with all the other lovely pregnancy symptoms.

This week 3BB is the size of a raspberry, or a gummy bear! 

And look at the way they captured 3BB on the ultrasound, it totally does look like a gummy bear!

Or as my sister said, a penguin, because there are no ears.

It’s crazy how in a week 3BB looks so much less like a blob and more like a tiny little baby! I can’t believe how much it is growing week by week!

This was my last ultrasound at my fertility clinic. They officially graduated me to my OB. I have my first OB appointment next week. I have one more zoom call with the nurse at the fertility clinic on Monday, like an exit interview, and then hopefully I never have to see them again, or at least for awhile if I decide 3BB needs a sibling. 

Other than that, most everything is the same. The nausea is still present, although not as bad this week as the weeks prior. It’s the worst in the evening, right around 7 PM. Which is annoying because that’s usually when I want to eat dinner, but then am too nauseous to want to eat anything.

(Also now I want a cupcake.)

I am still mostly consisting on carbs. I eat a lot of cereal, noodles, bagels, etc. It looks like my belly might be a little big bigger than last week’s photo, but I’m blaming on that on all the bloating and gas. And aforementioned carbs.

The other weird thing in addition to all this other lovely stuff is excess saliva. I read about it and was like “how bad can that be?” Well it’s not that it is bad, it’s more that it leaves like a gross taste in my mouth at all times. I don’t know if that is the excess saliva or the nausea or what, but it is just kind of annoying. And it’s not like I can just brush my teeth to make it go away, because brushing my teeth has been a gag-inducing chore. I’ve had to untrain my brain to stop brushing my tongue, lest I want to puke in the sink. But I swear, the minute the toothbrush goes in the mouth, I start gagging. 

Pregnancy is the gift that keeps on giving! But I will take all of it! Because that means I’m pregnant! And 3BB is in there growing and will be joining the world in 32 more weeks!


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