37 Weeks

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Less than 2 weeks until we see this face in real life!

Scarlet, if you can’t see a baby’s face in this, there is no hope for you and you’re not allowed to read my blog anymore. Ha!

This week that squishy face is the size of a canary melon.

A what now? Apparently it is some kind of yellow melon that I’ve never heard of, but according to Google looks to be about the size of a watermelon, which tracks.

This week I had my last appointment with the diabeetus nurse! My numbers are controlled and I’ve even had to DECREASE the amount of insulin I take each night, so that’s great news. (This is all very normal as the placenta stops working as much in the latter weeks of pregnancy.) 

We have reached the no pants portion of doctor’s appointments. My cervix is still the same, about 1 cm dilated. The doctor also said 3BB’s head is in a good position, she could feel it. So that’s half the battle. 

They hooked me up to the NST monitors, sans pants, which was about as uncomfortable as it sounds. In shock to NO ONE, 3BB failed the NST again and we were off across the hall to the ultrasound. The one good thing about having a reputation is that they don’t even try very long with the NST before just sending me for an ultrasound. 

This week 3BB decided to NAP during the ultrasound, though. So my normally quick ultrasound took a bit longer. But we got to see her squishy face, so I forgive her. Drinking a few sips of cold water and a few taps to her butt and she woke up and performed all her tasks. We’ll have to see what this coming week holds! Never a dull moment!

I went over my birth plan with the doctor this week. The doctor I saw this week is the night time on-call doctor the week of February 7, which is when I’ll be induced. So I figured discussing it with her would be the best option. 

It didn’t go as well as I had hoped. First off, I’m not trying to be under some notion that I’m going to be this bad ass and refuse all pain medicine in birth. While I’d like to have a natural birth, I’m also a big fan of pain medicine, and not being in immense pain, so I’m allowed to change my mind. BUT, my goal is to try and get to the later part of labor before getting an epidural, because getting an epidural tends to slow labor down. And I’m really trying to avoid a C-section because I’m doing this on my own.

She was very dismissive. I have read A LOT of research about this. None of my decisions I’ve come into on a whim. She just treated me like “well I’m the MD, you’re a layperson, so you’re wrong.” Which I can totally understand in this day and age of Covid. But I’m not trying to say drinking my pee will keep me safe from Covid. I’m just saying that research shows epidurals slow down labor and there is then a slight increase in C-sections in that case. PLUS, I’m old and have diabetes, so this isn’t a typical, healthy pregnancy. There will most likely be limitations on how long you let me labor on my own before intervening. And this is why I was so upset to have to move to the OB practice from the midwives in the first place. 

She also told me that it is damn near impossible to have an unmedicated, natural birth if you’re going to be induced. Which I also know, that induction contractions are generally more intense. But don’t first thing off the bat tell me I CANNOT do something because now I’m sure as shit going to try and do it just to prove your ass wrong.

Huh. I wonder where 3BB gets that stubborn streak from?

Anyway, I just smiled and nodded and then thanked my lucky stars I decided to hire a doula because between the two of us, I’ll have the birth I want, however that ends up happening.

I feel like I now look noticeably pregnant! Granted I don’t go anywhere so it isn’t like people notice, but the paint lady at Home Depot yesterday acknowledged it. 

I wasn’t feeling well the last day or so. It was like waves of really bad nausea and just an overall icky feeling. I’ve heard from several people that this was how they felt before labor started, so I’m wondering if it is imminent. I’m acting like my time is almost up, which is why I finally went to Home Depot to get the paint yesterday! Ha!

We are planning to schedule the induction for Wednesday, February 9, less than TWO WEEKS from now. I’m really hoping to go on my own at least a little before that, but we shall see. As we know, 3BB will do what she wants. But my acupuncturist is on the job and will be doing all her magic juju to help kickstart labor.

It’s almost go time, people!


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