33 Weeks

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This week 3BB is the size of a butternut squash and let me tell you, this is the first week where I’m like “yes! Yes, she is exactly that size!” Because that is exactly what it feels like I’m carrying in my abdomen. With that end part of the squash jamming up into my ribcage. She is nothing if not consistent.

We celebrated Christmas on Saturday, just me, 3BB and my mom. It was very low-key and relaxed, just how I wanted it. I made sure to document that 3BB was the present I most wanted under the tree, and that we are all fine with waiting another 7 weeks to meet her!

I had another doctor’s appointment this week, along with another non-stress test. Let me tell you about this kid, she is already 1,000 times more stubborn than her mother.

These tests are supposed to take about 20 minutes. They want 2 occurrences in that 20 minutes of movement from the baby, which accelerates the heartbeat, and then the rest of the time the heartbeat should be at it’s baseline number. 

I was at the doctor for almost 2 hours. 

My appointment was in the afternoon, so I ate right before going, since that usually gets her moving. I also had my ice water with me to wake her up. I even told the nurse that she did well when I was lying on my side last week. All things that should have made this a quick, easy test.

But 3BB is really good at hide and seek. She’d let us monitor her for about 10 minutes, and she’d move around and get the acceleration of the heartbeat that we needed, and then ZOOM, she’d fly off the monitor. She’d find a good hiding place where it was impossible for the technician to even find the heartbeat. It was all just whooshing, which was her just moving around.

Finally the nurse had to just hold the monitor to my belly and follow that little stubborn girl around so that we could get 20 minutes of readings. 

And she’s fine, her heartbeat is fine, she OBVIOUSLY moves around plenty and isn’t under any stress. She’s just fucking with all of us. 

At least I know to not expect to be in and out of these appointments in the future. 

This week I also got to see my friend Ali for the first time in WAY too many years! 

It was just so good to see her and her family. We spent all our time outside, walking along Michigan Avenue, I introduced her to my favorite donut place and then we ended the night at the Zoo Lights. 

All activities as safe as we can, in these Covid times, but one million times worth it! They are like my second family and we just pick up where we left off, not like we haven’t seen each other in five years. I am still smiling all these days later about seeing them. It was good for my soul. I’m so lucky the internet brought us together almost 14 years ago!

The belly keeps growing, although not by much. I actually worried maybe something was up since it seems to just stay the same size, but the doctor measured it this week and it’s still measuring right on track, same as it has been. It sure feels 10 times bigger than this whenever I try to do something, like put on my socks and shoes.

I can’t believe we are heading into the last days of 2021. And I can’t believe even more so that 2022 is the year I become a mother! Finally! I cannot wait!

Happy New Year to all of you and thank you for all your support and love through this journey! I will never be able to express how much it means to me! 


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