32 Weeks

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We have entered the eighth month! This week 3BB is the size of a cantaloupe. Which again I’m calling bullshit on because isn’t a cantaloupe like smaller than a coconut? Whatever. Round, heavier things from here on out.

I had an ultrasound and doctor’s appointment this week. I think I mentioned last week that I go weekly now. The biggest reason is to check on 3BB and make sure that because of the diabeetus and my old age, she isn’t in any distress. So they hook me up to a monitor to watch her heart rate. Basically in the span of 20 minutes, there should be two instances of movement where her heart rate rises for about 15 seconds and then goes back down. 

This should only be a 20 minute test, unless the baby either is in actual distress or she’s just being stubborn and deciding to nap. I’ll let you guess which 3BB was.

I brought cold water to make her move. It didn’t work. I drank that whole bottle and she did nothing. For most pregnant women, they give you juice to wake the baby up, but since I have the diabeetus, we can’t do that.

After about 40 minutes, they had me roll over onto my side. I should have suggested this from the start because that’s when she moves the most – when she thinks I am going to sleep. Mama sleep = PARTAY TIME.

Well that did the trick. I rolled over, pretended to sleep and 10 minutes later the nurse came in and said “you’re baby is going nuts!” Yep. 

From now on I’ll just have them start me on my side so I don’t end up there for an hour each time. And because I had the ultrasound before that appointment, and she was so stubborn, I ended up having to pay the non-validated rate for parking! Stubborn 3BB owes me $21! 

Speaking of the ultrasound, of course she was active and cooperative with that. Everything looks good and she’s measuring still in the 35th percentile. The doctor said they estimate she’ll be about 7 pounds, 3 ounces or so at birth. I know that they have no idea really, but I’d take that size. 

She’s head down, so that’s good. I asked the ultrasound tech what body part was making me so uncomfortable and she was like well her butt and her leg. She’s doing downward dog on my cervix and her ass is in my diaphragm and her leg is trying to tuck itself under my ribcage. As soon as the tech touched my belly and said “this is her butt” it was right where the discomfort was.

It’s a good thing she’s already so cute!

I had acupuncture over the weekend and mentioned the whole not breathing thing and even my acupuncturist was like “little girl, mommy’s got a long torso, move down! You’ve got plenty of room!” But she just wants to snuggle herself into where it is nice and warm. 

I lost a pound and a half in the last 4 weeks from my last appointment. And they measured my A1C and it’s the lowest it has been in years. So as much as I hate this diet sometimes, it’s actually just going to make postpartum healthier. Hopefully. Who knew it would take pregnancy to figure out the healthiest way for me to eat and lose weight? And I’m not talking about crash diets and needing to be a certain weight/size. I’m talking about being healthy so that 3BB has me around for many, many years to come. 

But she is definitely in there and growing! This photo gives a much better representation to how it feels lately, since even with a small bump, she’s still taking up lots of room! Now at least the rest of the world can see!

The doctor told me they will induce me between 39 weeks + 0 days and 39 weeks + 6 days. They can’t schedule until 10 days out. I’m hoping to go naturally before then. But if I have the choice, I’m choosing 39 weeks + 0 days just so I can breathe without coughing! And get that ass out of my lungs!

In all honesty, I will do what is best for her. I want her to cook as long as possible, but also know that older women’s placentas, especially with gestational diabetes, tend to die out earlier than “normal” pregnancies, which can cause a whole host of problems, so I will always do what is best for her. Always.


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