30 weeks! Holy crap! Where did the time go? It’s like you’re sitting in the teens weeks and 40 seems so far away and then BAM! It’s almost effing January!
I’m so not ready! But to be fair, I never will be. But the anxiety is creeping in, FOR SURE. A tiny little human is going to rely on me for everything! OUTSIDE THE WOMB!
It probably didn’t help matters that this week I had my prenatal meeting with my doula, which was amazing! But it was going over labor and birthing positions and decisions to be made and breastfeeding, etc. So the realness of this is all very front of mind. Which is probably better than living in denial, which is what I’ve mostly been doing.
Anyway, this week 3BB is the size of a bunch of broccoli. I’m just going with all the fruits and veggies from here on out because she’s really just fattening up. She’s probably getting close to about how long she’s going to be, she’s just adding in the pounds. And hopefully adorable baby chub rolls!
I had my mom join the doula meeting and I think it was really helpful for all of us. I’m really excited for my mom to get to be there and experience it, but I also want her to enjoy and experience it and not have to be the one making decisions. So it was nice that she got to meet my doula and loved her as much as I do. Plus we both got some ideas on how it will all seemingly go down. I’m again very, very happy with my decision to hire her. And I’m sure I will be even more so grateful after giving birth!
One of the things we talked about was how to properly co-sleep, since every new parent says they won’t do it, but then it is inevitable that you end up doing it, so it is important to do it safely. And we talked about how to set up the bed, etc., and that also I shouldn’t do it if I’ve taken Benedryl or drugs or am drinking. And I was like “wait, I can’t drink water if we co-sleep? I thought you just said to stay hydrated.” She meant ALCOHOL. Shows you just how far from my mind booze is these days! My how things change!
3BB is still moving around like crazy. Her kicks and/or punches are getting much stronger. She’s still loving to jam whatever part of her body up into my rib cage. The new side effect from this is that she’s squishing my diaphragm and it’s harder to breathe and then I start coughing. Which is not good when it’s Covid Times and coughing is the sign of the Plague.
I went with a friend and her family to a lights fest kind of thing at the botanic garden. It was very pretty and added bonus is I got to see her little baby, who is not so little anymore! She has been an amazing resource because her little guy is 6 months old so all the newborn stuff is fresh in her mind.
It was nice to get out and do something, but boy did my body tell me afterwards how displeased it was. I was sore and uncomfortable and exhausted. Duly noted, body. I’ll take it easy the next 8-9 weeks.
I keep waiting for my bellybutton to pop out. Every week I think it is getting close and then it just stays an innie. Not that I care either way, it just seems inevitable.
Lulu even made an appearance on the bed in this week’s photo. As you can see, she’s already so embarrassed by me and the shit I share on the internet she had to turn away from the camera. If you only knew, cat, if you only knew.
Other than that, things are good. I’ve started putting together nursey furniture, which is not the easiest at 30 weeks pregnant. The belly isn’t that big, but it sure does get in the way! My glucose numbers have been good, so all is good on the diabeetus front. I go back to the doctor at 32 weeks and then start going weekly after that. And then it will be baby time!