28 Weeks

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It’s the final trimester! Do do do doooooo, do do do do doooo!

Third trimester baby! Seventh month! There are less than 12 weeks left! Since I won’t get to 40 weeks, I know that I will have a baby in my arms in less than three months! That is crazy to me! It will just keep getting crazier, and scarier the further we go along! Eeeep!

This week 3BB is the size of a head of lettuce. It seems like a lot of the growth here in the last trimester is fattening her up, so most of these veggies are going to be the same size each week. 

I had my 28 week appointment this week with a follow-up ultrasound. This was to check on her kidneys, since the one kidney was a little dilated at the 20-week ultrasound.

I’m happy to report that her kidneys are perfectly fine. They are actually measuring about the same as they were 8 weeks ago, so perfectly in range. 

Everything else looked good and she’s measuring in the 35% percentile, which I am very happy about. Gestational Diabeetus babies tend to be on the larger size, which can cause all sorts of issues during labor, so that she’s measuring a little on the small side is a good sign and that I’m managing my sugar levels well. 

She was SUPER cooperative in the ultrasound this time, showing off for the camera, like she had in every other ultrasound, except at 20 weeks when she had an audience. We had a little chat the night before that this is good for her and she needs to cooperate with the nice people who are just looking out for her.

She rewarded me with a full-on face shot of her looking right at the camera!

Look at those cheeks!

Her legs are still mostly behind her head. It’s like she’s already getting prepared to be squished in there in a few more weeks. She weighs like 2 pounds, 10 ounces right now. Keep bulking up, little one!

I had my mom over for Thanksgiving yesterday, and it was really nice. I altered the menu a bit because I can’t eat a lot of carbs, but I still made homemade stuffing because stuffing is my favorite. And if I had to save my carbs for anything, it was for stuffing. And everything worked out and my after dinner numbers were right on point! Not even elevated! Hooray!

I lost another little bit between 24 weeks and 28 weeks. So my weight gain is still hovering at a little less than 5 pounds, which was the amount of weight I put on in the first trimester when I was so nauseous. It doesn’t look like I’ve gotten much bigger, but I definitely feel like it’s getting more difficult to do things, like bend over. But that might be because she likes to somehow position herself where it feels like she’s shoving some internal organ up through my ribcage into my throat. And pushing on her to move does nothing because SHE LIKES WHAT SHE LIKES. STOP PUSHING ON ME. It at least forces me not to hunch over and sit up straight so that I don’t feel that weird pressure.

My tooth is still bothering me, but it isn’t nearly as awful as it was last week. I’m going to give it another week or so to see if it improves before calling the dentist about a root canal. The doctor said it was more than fine to get it done since the benefits outweigh any risks. So that was good to hear.

Other than that, I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving and enjoyed lots of good food and pie and time with family and friends! I hope you ate all the pie and drank all the booze that I couldn’t have!


2 thoughts on “28 Weeks

  1. Kris

    YAY! This is so exciting I can hardly take it. I love following along with all of your updates. Less than three months! Is time speeding up or slowing down for you these past couple of years?

  2. Alice

    I think your belly looks so much more defined as a baby bump these days! You look ADORABLE! and her CHEEKS eeeeeeee 😍😍

    12! week! omg!!!!!!!!! (YAY!)


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