23 Weeks

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I realize that all the fruit and vegetable comparisons to a fetus are stupid and arbitrary, especially when at this point, week to week, 3BB is maybe growing like a centimeter. But they really threw me off with the banana one a few weeks back. I get why they did it, since that was the week we started measuring head to toe, instead of head to butt, but then you just go back to round fruits and it makes no sense.

So that banana week was stupid. I’m going to forget it. This week we’re back to round things, and 3BB is the size of a grapefruit. I think we’re at mostly round things now until the end. 

I actually meant to take a weird photo with a grapefruit by my belly at the grocery store, but then I forgot because I almost punched a lady who wouldn’t move. Like stood her ground and instead of just going around me, made me go around her. And then I said something rude to her as I passed because apparently I think a mask means people can’t hear my loud-ass voice. This is not the case.

That actually got me a bit worried. Because I have been a little quick to anger with stupid people lately. And my depression manifests itself in anger, not sadness. So I’m wondering “is this hormones or do I need to increase my meds?” I’m going with hormones for the time being, since this feels like PMS rage that is very fleeting. Plus then one of my weekly pregnancy newsletters was like “do you just hate everything and want to punch people?” and that made me feel better. Instead of pregnancy weeping, I have pregnancy throat-punching tendencies.

I actually will bring it up with my therapist and keep an eye on it because I know that postpartum is no joke and I want to make sure I’ve set myself up now with the best plan for my mental health.

In non-throat punching news, this week I finally went to the dentist. I’ve finally reached the point where my toothbrush-induced gagging is very minimal, so I figured it was time for a cleaning. I actually went to a new dentist because I hate my old one. And I’m glad I made the change because not only is this new dentist like 4 blocks from my house, they are actually super, super nice. It felt good to leave a dental appointment not in tears or wanting to scream.

I was super worried since there were many, many weeks there that I was just not brushing my back teeth, or just using mouthwash to clean my teeth. So I figured they were going to schedule me for several deep cleaning sessions. But that wasn’t the case. I need to floss more, which I have just started back doing since it doesn’t make me gag, but other than that, my teeth were in good shape. And they were super accommodating with my pregnancy and not doing any X-rays or anything not 100% necessary until after I give birth.

I do have a lovely side effect of a pregnancy tumor in my gum, which is just part of it is swollen. They said it was 100% normal and will go away after I give birth. It’s totally benign. I am glad because I was worried about it.

My other new pregnancy side effect is carpal tunnel in my wrists. It really only gets bad at night, mostly because I bend my hands and curl my fists into a ball when I sleep. So I assume that isn’t helping matters. But then my hand and arms get tingly and it’s just not pleasant. I ordered a wrist brace for sleeping and it should be here today, so I’m hoping that helps matters. I now have a newfound sympathy for people who suffer with this all the time. It’s awful.

Not much to report from Diabeetus Land. Things are mostly under control. I even had some hot chocolate over the weekend, with a string cheese appetizer and chaser, and it didn’t spike me. It made me feel a little bit normal that I could walk around outside enjoying the fall weather with some hot chocolate. 

My fasting number is creeping up, so I’ve had to increase the insulin. I’m assuming by the time I go see the nurse next week, we’ll be talking about splitting up the insulin doses. But whatever works to keep 3BB healthy!

Belly is still continuing to grow. There was a point this week that I walked past the mirror and was shocked. I don’t think it has gotten that huge, but I’m definitely taking full advantage of pregnancy tank tops under my t-shirts. Why aren’t normal tank tops that long? I love long tanks!

3BB is still nice and active. I can feel her kicks and punches from the outside, and actually saw one recently, which is still very, very weird. 

We go back to the doctor next week, and will see the new OB. I hope I like her and everything goes well!


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