21 Weeks

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This week 3BB is measured head to toe! So she’s the size of a banana! 

I added the cat nip banana cat toy. I also had the hardest time spelling banana. It still looks wrong. And yes, you bet your ass I helped myself by singing B-A-N-A-N-A-S.

Last week was so momentous that it feels like a very boring week this week. Not much is going on. I’ve been extra tired this week, but that’s probably just because it’s been kind of dreary here and makes me want to just nap all the time. That is not really due to pregnancy, that’s just my normal state of being.

I had a follow-up call with the diabeetus nurse yesterday. It was just a telehealth call, which was nice since she was running 40 minutes late. When I called to make sure I hadn’t made a mistake and had the wrong date, or missed an email, they told me that the scheduled phone appointment could be anywhere from 15 minutes before the appointment time to up to ONE HOUR after. I’m sorry, what? This has never been mentioned. They mention the 15 minutes early, but never the SIXTY MINUTES after as a possibility. Who blocks off 2 hours for a telehealth call? Not I said the fly.

The odd thing was it was at 10 AM, which seems way too early to get that behind. The appointment was only about 15 minutes long. She said something on the call like “well I know you’re not too shy to send a portal message if you have a question” so that made me think she was way behind because of some person who WAS too shy to send a portal message and their 15 minute follow up turned into 45 minutes.

Who are these people too shy to send a message? Who would rather TALK to a human than message them? I don’t know these kinds of people. Those are aliens to me.

(I should point out that all my doctors and nurses at Northwestern are SO good about responding to messages. I would definitely call and talk to them if they didn’t answer my messages, but they answer same day. My fertility clinic was THE WORST and never answered portal messages, so I do understand calling and talking in that instance.)

I got too cocky last week with my fasting numbers because they got high again. So I’m up to 30 units of insulin each evening. So far, so good. But she’ll only increase me to 40 units total before we start splitting the doses up throughout the day. Apparently anything more than 40 units at a time is hard for the body to process.

She also warned me that shit is about to change. That things I could eat before may now spike my numbers. Because as we go along, the hormones increase and the placenta works harder and the baby gets bigger and needs more. She said “that’s good! That means the baby is growing well and the pregnancy is progressing as it should.” I told her I would try and take her positive attitude, but if I cook something for the week and can only eat two days of it, I’m not going to be so positive about it. 

Because I am already quite tired of cooking and meal planning. I miss being able to eat take out and convenience foods. (Sometimes you just want a Hot Pocket.) I have been able to try a few things, but most of them spike my levels. Or I can’t have too much so I’m not full and what’s the point of only eating one taco? I did have Culver’s over the weekend, a double cheeseburger with just half the bun and a half of a side of cheese curds and my levels were OK. So it’s nice to know there are some things I can eat, if I’m mindful about it. 

All the books and websites talk about how at this point I should be looking really pregnant and not just like I had a big burrito for lunch. I really hate that they say things like this. I’m fine with it, but I’m sure for others, this can make them feel like something is WRONG because their bump isn’t that noticeable. I mean mine looks like I’m just bloated from dinner.

One good thing about the diabeetus is that I’ve only gained about 5 pounds this pregnancy, so that is good. At my weight they don’t want me to gain more than 15 pounds, so this leaves plenty of room to gain as 3BB gets bigger and bigger.

That’s about it for my 21-week TPS report. We’ll be back next week with more riveting tales, I’m sure.


1 thought on “21 Weeks

  1. Alice

    Yeah banana baby! SO sorry you have to deal with the diabeetus crap, sounds really frustrating. But glad that #3BB is doing well.

    I HATE calling anyone. Any time, for any reason. Portal 100%! …except yeah, my response rate from those portals is probably less than 25%. WHY HAVE THE PORTAL OPTION IF YOU PLAN TO IGNORE IT.


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