14 Weeks

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Orange you glad to see me?

This week 3BB is the size of an orange! And growing like a weed. My uterus is the size of a small melon! And I’m officially in the second trimester and FOURTH month!

Although you still can’t really tell on my person.

Which is fine, only because I really don’t want to have to buy a lot of maternity clothes. I’m hoping since we’re still working from home (and are until at least mid-October at this point) that I can hold off with what I have. My shorts still fit and as it gets cooler here, I move to stretchy pants, which will be very forgiving. And then hopefully we will only back in the office a few days a week and I can rotate between like 3-4 outfits until February. 

I still haven’t shopped for maternity bras. I’m kind of waiting until my current ones are just totally uncomfortable. Because again, I don’t want to have to buy 5 different sizes. Again, since I’m just sitting at home, I don’t need anything all that supportive.

(Oddly, in non-pregnant days, I just wouldn’t even wear a bra. But pregnancy boobs are heavy and sensitive, so I actually find myself wanting to wear a bra for my girls.)

This week 3BB has reminded me HEY, YOU ARE PREGNANT! Just in case I was too cocky about entering the the second trimester and hopefully feeling better. I have not at all. Here are the things that have occurred this week, just to remind me I am indeed pregnant (as if I could forget, 3BB!)

  • I had a horrible migraine Sunday that literally had me in bed all day. I woke up to eat, so I wouldn’t be nauseous on top of it, and then took a Unisom and went back to sleep until evening. It was miserable. And because I am pregnant (SEE, 3BB, I TOLD YOU I COULDN’T FORGET) I can only take Tylenol. Which works about as much as tic tacs.
  • Nausea has come back in full force. While I kind of appreciate it because it tells me 3BB is still in there and growing and alive, I also don’t need the nausea to be WORSE. I was used to the evening nausea, we don’t need to add back in the all-day nausea, 3BB. 
  • Because of the nausea, I haven’t been able to eat much. I have days where my appetite is out of control and I want to eat anything, and then I have days like yesterday where I could only stomach English muffins with butter.
  • To go along with the nausea, the gagging has gotten worse. I keep barfing after I brush my teeth and now I have moments where I’ll just be sitting down watching TV, and the thought of something will make me gag. It’s as pleasant as it sounds.
  • Food cravings. We all know the exaggerated depiction of pregnant ladies and their cravings. I always thought they were exaggerated. I’m here to tell you THEY ARE NOT. On Friday I wanted Taco Bell crunchy tacos. Not soft. Not homemade crunchy tacos, they had to be Taco Bell’s. So I drove my ass through the drive through and ordered myself a party pack of crunchy tacos. It was 10,000% worth it.

Thankfully my energy is back to pre-pregnancy levels, so that is helpful to actually be able to get things done (when migraines and nausea aren’t killing me slowly). But to go with that, I now have insomnia. I haven’t been to bed before 2 AM at all this week. I try to go to bed earlier, and then just toss and turn, so I’ve just decided to stay up and then read until I get really, really tired. Just preparing me, aren’t you 3BB?

Other than that, it’s been a pretty uneventful week. HA!

Stay tuned because next week we’ll have a sex reveal post, since I’ll have the results of my fetal DNA test and know the sex of 3BB!

And here, just because, is just a photo of Sammi sleeping in a carboard box.


2 thoughts on “14 Weeks

  1. Alice

    I always hated the “sleep now before the baby comes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” advice because HAVE YOU TRIED TO SLEEP WHILE PREGNANT? THERE IS NO SLEEP WHILE PREGNANT, PEOPLE. It’s either insomnia, or the baby having a taekwondo party at 2am, or you get so uncomfortable by the end that you wake up any time you even start to think about turning over.

    Uh, this is not very helpful or supportive 😀 What I meant to say is, I hope the nausea starts abating soon! Come one 3BB, give your mama a break!!

  2. Beckie

    As a stomach sleeper, pregnancy was definitely rough on the sleeping! Here’s hoping 3BB gets mama’s love of sleeping!!! My MIL has 3 boys and to this day still calls my husband her “breath of fresh air” because he’s been sleeping through the night since she brought him home from the hospital.


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